Monday, September 13, 2010

First Pondering about Puerto Rico

Hello, my name is Bronwyn and welcome to Puerto Rico Ponderings!

I am going on an expedition to Puerto Rico 22 November - 2 December 2010 as a volunteer on an Earthwatch research assignment.  The assignment is to study the impacts of industry on the local rainforest, and to access if it's sustainable.  This research will be done in different ways but primarily by counting frogs (more of this later I promise!) and measuring trees.  I have no background in biodiversity or rainforests, but already I have learnt a lot through my preparation and hope to learn even more when I am there.

How did I get to go you may wonder? Yes, good question especially since I am relatively an IT geek who loves my PC and works for an Oil Company.  Well I have been involved with various volunteer programmes over the years, so getting involved is not something new to me, but all of them have been related to children and their well being.  This definitely is my first environmental expedition, and a big step for me in a totally new direction.

Why did I want to do this then? I decided that only reading about sustainable development was not enough. I wanted to know more through experiencing it, but also get my hands dirty at making a difference.  And it was about taking an opportunity - I am fortunate that my company sponsors a small amount of candidates for such projects, so I applied for this assignment through my company and was accepted as a volunteer on my first choice - Puerto Rico.

I am super excited about this adventure, and I hope through this blog to share some of the adventure with you! :-)  I hope you will join me and provide some of your thoughts and feedback.  If you have any comments or questions please drop me a note in the comments section below.

Topics I plan to cover in future blog entries:
 * More about the Puerto Rico rain forest I'll be visiting
 * Preparations and the practical details of what I'm doing
 * Things I have learnt so far
 * What can you do in your area to support sustainable development - if you have anything you would like to share please do let me know!!

You can read more about the details of the assignment on the Earthwatch website.


  1. Hey Bron, a few
    ideas from your bro:
    - I'd like a map of the area you're visiting, with an idea of where you'll be and the route you'll take?
    - I'd love some stats about sustainable dwvelopment, maybe for the area, by continent, anything that could help us gauge the scale of the challenge etc?
    - Graphs! Any data you can give us, I'd love pics and graphs to illustrate it :)

    Thats all for now. Keep up the bloggin, it's great!

  2. This is great. I'll definitely follow you on your journey. Cheers and Sucess!

    Monica :)

  3. Hi I'm a Teacher from Cornwall Hill College in CEnturion, Pretoria, South Africa. We will be watching and joining in and seeing first hand what you are up to. This is going to be very exciting.

    I presume you will make the red writing to invite comments a hyper link at some or other time??

    Thank you for allowing us to be part of a real scientific experiement. Regards Trevor Farley (Educator, )

  4. Happy Tree Huggers Eco Club at Cornwallhill CollegeSeptember 22, 2010 at 6:08 AM

    We would like to know how you are going to find and count all the frogs, they are tiny and jump around so much?
    Will you measure the width or the height of the trees?
    Are you going to be looking for any other species of animal?
    We will be following your blog to learn more about your adventure.
